1950 Rigsby Avenue
San Antonio, TX 78210
“Because Every Child Deserves a Place to Play”
Join us at Kingdom for Kids XIII
St. PJ’s Children’s Home
Kingdom for Kids is the signature service project of the Rotary Club of San Antonio. It is a community outreach that serves children in need. Our volunteer service brings students and families together to play in a safe and interactive environment. It supports healthy lifestyle choices and encourages families to play together. And it helps to involve a wide array of Rotary and business volunteers, their families, City Year Corps Members, High School and College students, Eagle Scouts and location volunteers, faculty and leadership. At a cost of $70,000 to $100,000 per build, Rotary members participate year-round in fundraising for this dedicated service project.
Project #2 – Landscape & Basketball Court at Stewart Elementary
Because we are limited to a smaller number of volunteers for security reasons at St. PJs, we have decided to extend our outreach to the P.F Stewart Elementary School. Located at 1950 Rigsby Ave. on our city’s east side and in the SAISD district, the school has a very big need. The good news is that a playground has already been purchased by the SAISD and will be coming soon, but on that same weekend, we will lead volunteers to the campus to build a new basketball court, develop a picnic area, provided landscaping, produce a working garden and complete needed painting. Over 500 children will benefit from our work there!
You can help make these projects a reality!
By check
Rotary Club of San Antonio Foundation
110 Broadway, Suite 220
San Antonio, TX 78205
Bill me (Rotarians only)
Contact the Rotary office at 210-222-8242, x11 or assistant@rotarysa.org